Monday, April 10, 2023
7:00 PM
Jewish Community Center 12701 N. Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ
(Please note that due to the JCC’s security protocols it will simplify your entry to the building if you’re on the list, and you must bring some form of ID with you.)
On Monday evening, April 10, Arizona Glass Alliance will very proudly host a presentation by the well recognized, up and coming glass sculptor Matthew Szosz. Matthew, who is known for his very innovative use of materials and new sculpting processes, creates wonderfully unique work, often using the “inflatable” technique in which the hot glass sculpture is actually inflated.
Matthew and his work have received recognition both nationally and internationally, and his work has been shown at museums such as the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston as well as the Smithsonian. Matthew has taught around the world, including stints at Pilchuck, Penland and Pittsburgh, as well as the Universities of Washington and Hawaii. In addition to residencies here in the U.S. Matthew has done far flung residences in Canberra, Australia and Nagoya, Japan. An image of one of Matthew’s “inflatable” sculptures is shown below.
Matthew describes himself and his work this way: “I am the child of two ideas. The first is the unreconstructed artisanship tradition in which I was raised. The second is the church of ecstatic blue collar Rock & Roll anarchy for which I volunteered. This is the territory that excites me—lying between the sensitive and considered restraint of learned technique and the manic populist energy of the rock throwing iconoclast, described by a wobbling elliptical oscillation between the two. Sophisticated, erudite ideas with feet of clay, a heedless, headlong dive into complex and esoteric waters.”
